The Nesting Adventure 9ft Clinker dinghy is another in the range of nesting boats (previously built by Nestaway Boats) to be built by the Drascombe team to our usual high standard of craftsmanship.
The Adventure 9ft Clinker dinghy is based on the original ships tender with a deep wide hull, which is very stable for a boat of this size, designed to carry 3 adults, she feels very safe.
Dividing into two nesting sections for storage and transport, she will store just 4’ 9” x 4’ 4.5’”. Quick to assemble, easy to row, ideal with a small electric engine, she also sails well with an optional 44sq ft lug sail rig.
The nested hull can be stowed either way up, on a yacht deck, making a useful and practical tender, or could be trailed in a box trailer, which is much shorter to tow and store than a conventional boat trailer.
The 9ft Clinker is sold as rig ready for £4,450.00, or you can upgrade to the full sail version which is £6,150.00
We can even arrange shipping of the nesting dinghies, so far we have shipped to Antigua, Australia, USA and delivered to Ireland
Note: All prices include VAT
Contact us to talk through your options and specifications, all of the Drascombe’s are built to each customers individual requirements, we do not sell you something you do not require.
We're happy to help you with any Drascombe enquiry. Simply complete the form below to get in touch.